News & Media
Welcome to our press page. Besides resources for journalists, you’ll find press releases, recent news reports, press clipping and articles that mention our work.
Please reach out to Dr. Suzanne Spencer with any questions you may have.
Press Resources
Download pdfs with comprehensive information about LSIS as well as images:
PR Info Sheet
LSIS Magazine & Presentation
LSIS Media Photos
In the Press
News broadcasts, articles and reports. Find out how others talk and write about what we do, and share to let your friends and family learn about our work. You never know who might appreciate our work, knowing about it, and being able to pass it on to someone who could benefit.
A few select articles about our most recent work.

Let us know if you’d like us to keep you in the loop. We send out occasional emails and announcements, but we keep it light. We respect everyone’s inbox, and in doubt, you can always opt out.
LSIS on Social Media
LSIS thanks AE Industrial Partners for their long-term partnership with Living Skills In the Schools, as part of AE Industrial Partners’ commitment to being socially engaged and supportive corporate citizens of their South Florida community.
LSIS thanks AE Industrial Partners for their long-term partnership with Living Skills In the Schools, as part of AE Industrial Partners’ commitment to being socially engaged and supportive corporate citizens of their South Florida community.