For Parents of Children in K-5

LSIS offers parents of young children a wide range of programming and content to build resilience early on.

Our content and formatting is age appropriate, and has been primarily delivered on-site and in person. With the rise of COVID-19, we have added new options to deliver our programming digitally, both live and asynchronously.

We also know that many of you have a lot on your plate, with the pandemic having only added complexity and demands. We’re here to support you and take some weight off your shoulders.

K-4 Medicine Literacy Video Series

We just released this brand-new series of videos addressing medicine literacy and safety for your K-4 Elementary School student.

Narrated by Ms. Apple, it presents 6 stories featuring the familiar cast of B.A.B.E.S.* puppets. The stories address specific risk-based understanding of medicines, focused on helping our children make good and safe decisions and choices around medications.

*Beginning Awareness Basic Education Studies

1. Medicine is not Candy

2. Medicine is not for Play

3. Medicine is not for Sharing

4. Medicine and Secrets

5. Medicine and Mental Health

6. Preventing Medicine Misuse and Abuse