17 05, 2022

Medicine Literacy Box Event

2022-11-11T14:19:20-05:00May 17th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Instead of heading home at the end of the work and school day, parents, families, and community leaders took time out for a great cause. They filled the cafeteria of Dr. Bethune Mary McLeod Elementary school to participate in an unforgettable Living Skills in the Schools (LSIS) event that ended in lots of smiles, singing, and hands-on prevention strategies. For LSIS, thinking "outs

3 05, 2022

Medicine Mishaps Don’t Happen By Accident: How to Keep Kids and Teens Safe

2022-11-11T14:19:20-05:00May 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|

Did you know that medicines are the leading cause of child poisoning? While most parents might understand the dangers that can occur if our children ingest the wrong medicine, safety precautions often take a backseat when implementing them in our homes. The risks of medicine getting into the hands of our children pose a threat to their safety when they are young, but it can also le

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