31 01, 2023

True View of Friendship

2023-01-31T09:43:37-05:00January 31st, 2023|Uncategorized|

“Why did you do drugs?” Some version of this simple thought-provoking question frequently finds its way into the question section of my presentation. I’m forced to do a double-take. I just answered that question. I explained what led me to drug use and what drug use led to; that is the essential outline of my story. Yet I need to answer this question again, this time in only a coup

13 01, 2023

A Special Kind of Person

2023-01-13T18:08:23-05:00January 13th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Three months ago, I mentioned in passing at the office that I was working on getting my little brother into a better school. My brother is from the Big Brother Big Sister program. I mentioned this without any expectations that my coworkers would spend time and effort helping me. This was unrelated to the work we did for LSIS. Their response exemplifies the character of the people I

11 01, 2023

Episode 1: Where has unstructured time gone?

2023-01-20T10:49:51-05:00January 11th, 2023|Podcast Blogs|

By: Stephen Kaplan I’m old, but I’m not that old.  Recently, I volunteered in a kindergarten classroom.  How much kinder has changed since I was in school–  free exploration is limited to only 15 minutes of the day, students are engaged in “data chats” about their academic progress, and students were looking at rubrics to score their drawings.  When we think about preparation for

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